​Organic, whole-wheat & stone-grind is the way to go


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Whole wheat is better than just simple wheat flour because it is a grain complete with bran, husk and endosperm. The husk and bran are removed in many types of wheat flours, stripping them of many nutrients, dietary fibres, minerals and vitamins. Organically produced whole wheat is cultivated as naturally as possible without exposure to harmful pesticides and fertilisers.


Whole wheat is better than just simple wheat flour because it is a grain complete with bran, husk and endosperm. The husk and bran are removed in many types of wheat flours, stripping them of many nutrients, dietary fibres, minerals and vitamins. Organically produced whole wheat is cultivated as naturally as possible without exposure to harmful pesticides and fertilisers. Therefore, stone-ground and organic whole wheat atta, no matter the type of wheat is the best choice.

Wheat is the only grain that has been consumed all over the world. It compensates majority of the food consumption. There is a huge range and variety of food items that can be prepared from the wheat flour.

The whole wheat flour, we produce is derived by grinding or mashing whole grains of wheat. The grinding process is so crucial as it determines the nutritional value of the flour.

We Yaadhum community have a traditional and healthy way of grinding wheat flour. Here it is done using stone grinders which grinds the whole wheat kernels slowly in order to minimize the heat and maximize the health value.

When the wheat kernels are crushed using steel rollers to make wheat flour, the rollers produce heat that is capable of destroying the bran and germ. This strips the flour of many wholesome nutrients and vitamins. Milling wheat using stone grinders or chakki as it is called in India is more preferable as it keeps the germ of the wheat intact and produces wheat flour that is comparatively richer in nutrients